Hi there, 

You have a wonderful web page and support system.

I lost my eye 10 years ago and I heard from many people all around the world when I first went on it.  Now I need help again.  I contacted a serious bacterial infection in my coral implant.  They had to remove it.  Antibiotics wouldn't touch it.  They put in a conformer and told me it would be up to 6 mos. before they could put me back together again.

They are talking about a Medpor implant this time.  I really don't know much about it.  They are also talking against putting in a peg this time.  I had that done twice before, the second one was titanium. 

I would like to hear from people that have had the Medpor implant. 

Thank you so much,      


Dr. Art Perry, MD response to Gale

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