Dave's' Story

My name is Dave Malloy. I am 48 years old. I lost my left eye 6 years ago in a high-speed head-on automobile collision where the other driver blacked out. At the time I was a pilot hoping to get a corporate jet job from an interview 4 days before the crash. 

I got a book entitled "A Singular View" by Frank B. Brady. It is the only book I've seen on the subject of dealing with the loss of an eye. It has been very helpful. You can order this on-line

Since losing my eye, I have regained all my flying privileges with NO limitations. I had to fly with an FAA inspector to demonstrate my abilities and in the interim I flew my sailplane including competing in contests in which I made my farthest and fastest flights. I was upside-down in and landed an airplane before I drove a car. 

I drive with some special mirrors I configured that help my peripheral view immensely. (I should have done this before losing my eye!) I am currently in law school and have returned to racing go-karts. 

While I'm not happy about losing my eye (it was my favorite one - the other one has a little astigmatism), it does not seem to hamper my life much. My prosthesis is excellent (its the kind with coral that moves). Most people have no idea that its not my original eye. I get a little nervous in crowds and new places but I just got used to saying "excuse me" a lot. 

I think it bothers other people more than it bothers me. People who don't know what its like make guesses; some overestimate and some underestimate the effect. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 



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