To the Kolberg Staff:

Dear Friends:

I wanted send you a note and thank all of you so very much for everything that you have done for me and my appearance.

I would like to be included in your patient's stories page and noticed that you didn't have any one's story regarding eye loss due to a war. I was a gunner on a helicopter during the Vietnam conflict.

I decided to share my story with other Vets since I know you do work for many VA patients.

I injured my left eye in Vietnam during a rocket and mortar attack in the Tet offensive of 1968. I was 18 when this happened, and after 24 year's of slowly loosing my vision I developed glaucoma and pain requiring enucleation. 

Dr. Arthur Perry, of San Diego removed my eye and replaced it with a corral implant called Bioeye (hydroxyapatite). He attached my eye muscles to the implant which makes my new eye move very natural.

Your staff successfully made me a new plastic eye, which looks great and I am very-very grateful to have.

Other Vets or patients reading this, please feel free to contact me.


Calvin Sloan    

Member: 187th. Assault Helicopter company
Blackhawk Crusaders Rat Pack Door Gunner
Tay Ninh Base, Republic of Viet Nam



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